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Short Stories

The One Who Broke Free

by Abbie Hall


Once on a time in a world of luscious, beautiful flowers, and big, bright mushroom houses was a young fairy name Bella. Bella was a very shy fairy when it came to others of her kind but animals were a different story. The next day was to be the coronation of princess Asra and Bella was just as scared as she was excited. Everyone in Anitraia was preparing for it, as well as her mother, so she was alone. Bella loved being aloe because it meant she could go to her secret cove. She had not told anyone about it, not even her mother. The first thing she always did when she arrived there was breath in the sweet, fresh air. Then she would grab her book, get into her tree, and enter a whole to land. Excited with these thoughts she quickly rushed away so she wouldn’t miss even a second of her paradise. A few minutes later she arrived at the door to her cove. She quickly looked around, to make sure nobody was watching, and then quietly slipped inside.


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Creative Photography

As the marker indicates, this small cemetery (located on US 60 near Simpsonville in Shelby County) commemorates a January 1865 ambush of US soldiers, nearly all of whom were former slaves, who were attacked by confederate guerillas while driving cattle toward Louisville.


Photography by Henry Hoffman


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