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Dying Light

By: Dakota Poole


The XBox One, one of the most recent reincarnations of our beloved childhood game consoles, has again drawn the audience of the most popular genre in gaming.  In my opinion, any game where its player can kill some type of infected person or creature, all while exploring a world reuined by an apocalypse, is bound to be a best seller!  This is how it's been since the earliest version of the Resident Evil series was released into the public eye.  It was no surprise when thousands bought their own copy of the game "Dying Light."  You play as Crane, an agent for an association who, in the beginning of the game, airdrops you into the city of Harran to collect documents on how the infection started.  Only instead of getting to your target, you find the infected.  As Crane, you travel through an open-world landscape, picking up airdrops from cargo planes and working for both associations, and another made of survivors you meet at the start of the game.  The survivors teach you how to climb in order to get around Harran, a subtle tutorial-style way I think works for the game.  I would say one of the game's strongest aspects is its story line.  It ca nbe as much as a long conversation you have with others, or something Crane decides to do himeself.  In addition to the combat system between you, the infected, and enemy groups of other survivors, you're given an inventory system, crafting system, quest log, and map.  All can be accessed by your menu button.  You're also given a mini-map on your gameplay screen in the top-right corner.  The hardest part of the game is when the sun goes down.  Just like its title -"Dying Light" warns you when it's sundown by Crane lifting up his watch and the ominous words 'good night and good luck' appear on the screen.  The only way of surviving the night is to either take refuge in one of the many safehouses you set up during daytime, or run without entering the visions of Seeker Zombies, which you see on your mini-map.  It's important to avoid these streets beause these because when they see you, they will chase you through the streets of the city and even climb up buidlings as fast as they can.  You do, however, have certain missions you're required to complete during the night.  This is one of the most thorough games to come out in the apocalypse genra, and is well deserving of ins popular audience.  "Dying Light" is rated M for mature, due to the language, violence, and gore.  I recommend it only for mature audiences.  This is an amazingly well-made game!

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